Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mission Hill

Another underrated cartoon i used to watch on the WB back in 1999. Bright colors within a neon color palette catered to the modernized style of drawing. I have the whole series on DVD, and I'd always admire the art direction that it took. It was something different from your average cartoon. The story centered around a waterbed salesmen named Andy French who is an aspiring cartoonist. Along with his struggles with following his dream and finding purpose in life, his 17 year old brother Kevin French moves in to add to his list of problems. It is currently under syndication on Adult Swim.


Ladies Spite Cool James said...

I love this of my favorites....I just watched the season, not that long ago. Feelin the blog...keep it up. Also, check out my 90 minute music podcast The Tempo Tandrum @